sg news * SHINSAEGI MEDITECH Company relocated to the new office building. *reg. date 2023-10-20 |
* 신세기메디텍 신사옥 이전 안내 * - We would like to inform you of the relocation to the new office building of SHINSAEGI MEDITECH. (119, Ijisandan-ro, Juchon-myeon, Gimhae-si) 신세기메디텍 신사옥으로 이전하였음을 안내드립니다. (신주소 : 김해시 주촌면 이지산단로 119)
- prev Participate in the AEEDC 2023 (Dubai, 2023.02.07.~09.) 23.10.20
- next 2nd Gimhae International Trade Award (22.12.19.) 23.10.20